Team Registrations

Important information for registration

There may be some changes to the below as the event approaches but we will do our best to make sure team fees do not increase

Registration instructions:

Complete team registration form below by the end of October at the latest
Ensure you have any logos and team photos available for upload at the time of registration
After completion of registration, you will receive an email with the bank details for the initial registration deposit.
After team registration is complete, encourage players to complete player registration (due 15th of January)
Total team fee required by the 20th of January

Planned Team Fees:

Morell – Initial Deposit $2000 AUD, Final Total Team Fee $10600 AUD
Vogel – Initial Deposit $2000 AUD, Final Total Team Fee $5700 AUD
Carlito – Initial Deposit Nil required, Final Total Team Fee $2000 AUD
Women’s – Initial Deposit Nil required, Final Total Team Fee $1000 AUD
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Please provide your name
This is required for follow-up contact
Are you a member of the Captain's whatsapp chat?
Include your country code. e.g. 61XXXXXXXXX. If you are already on the chat, this will be used for verification.
E.g. Registering 2 teams, Please also add. Dr Joe Bloggs Carlito Captain on 61XXXXXXXXX
Are you registering a team in the Morell (open age men) cup?
Are you registering a team in the Vogel (>45 years) cup?
Are you registering a team in the Carlito (>60 years) cup?
Are you registering a team in the Women's (open age) cup?
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 4 files.
Please upload an image file – either jpg, or png. Max 15mb per file
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 4 files.
Please upload an image file – either jpg, or png. Max 15mb per file
Facebook, twitter, instagram, youtube accepted. Please add on separate lines
The organisers of WMFC2024 ensure that personal data will be handled carefully. This team consents to provide demographic data to be published on official platforms related to the tournament (website, Facebook, schedule sheets…). This agreement is mandatory to participate in the tournament.
If you answer no then you will not be able to participate in the tournament
This team/s consents to share team data with a data base which will be used for future tournaments in order to facilitate the registration process in upcoming tournaments. This agreement remains optional (not mandatory to participate in the tournament in Australia).
It is important to the spirit of the tournament that only registered human medical doctors participate (apart from previously specified exceptions). It is the responsibility of the captain to ensure this is enforced within the team. The captain player confirms and promises that all participants are officially valid and eligible as per the tournament rules.
If you answer no then the team will not be able to participate in the tournament
Football/soccer has an inherent risk, and each player and team must accept the liability of any injuries/losses sustained in the course of, or as a direct/indirect result of playing/participating in the tournament. Event activities (including but not limited to conference attendance, ceremonies, leisure activities/tours confer risks particularly as part of travel. Participants are requested engage at their own risk and accept liability of participation including but not limited to physical, mental, financial liability. The registering player declares that the team will be informed and have considered the risks of participating in the tournament, conference and any other risks pertaining to the range of activities as part of the event.
Acceptance is mandatory for participation in the event
The registering player will ensure that players within the team/s recognise that the event will not cover individual player/participant insurance and players are advised to ensure they are adequately insured.
Acceptance is mandatory for participation in the event
The registering player, on behalf of the team/s, accepts the tournament conditions, rules, risks and liability for any costs/injury/harms within the scope of Australian law.
Acceptance is mandatory for participation in the event
Clear Signature
Please sign here.
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